Tuesday, October 24, 2017

New Arrivals for October 25, 2017 at Dr. No's! Week 4 Prize Drawing!

Featured Titles This Week

Batman: The Drowned #1

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

4th Week of Marvel Legacy Lenticular Covers
The biggest stories and most epic team-ups come to MARVEL LEGACY this fall, and now you can hold the past and the future in your hands! All of the Marvel Legacy homage variants will be available as lenticular covers – a true celebration of Marvel’s history and expansive universe! The first wave are here now! Enhance your collection with all of Marvel Legacy’s lenticular covers, available at Dr. No's. As these will have limited quantities available, be sure to come in soon to secure your copy!

Special Prize Drawing!

Week 3 Winner Is...


Abraham gets the Uncut Proof Sheet for
America #8...

  • Weekly Drawing...
    • Buy all of the weeks Marvel Lenticular Covers from Dr. No's and be entered into a drawing for an Uncut Lenticular Cover Proof Sheet! (Purchases must be made by End of Day on Sunday for Tuesdays Drawing)
    • Winners will be announced in this space on Tuesday Evening!
  • October Drawing
    • Buy all of the Marvel Lenticular Covers for October from Dr. No's and be entered into a drawing for the Marvel Legacy #1 Quesada Black and White Variant, which was limited to 1 in 500 copies of the book.
Marvel Lenticular Covers from 10/25...
  • Black Panther #166
  • Captain Marvel #125
  • Us Avengers #11
  • Jean Grey #8
  • America #8

Marvel Lenticular Covers from 10/18...
  • Invincible Iron Man #593
  • Incredible Hulk #709
  • Luke Cage #166
  • Cable #150
  • Champions #13
  • Mighty Thor #700
  • Spider-Gwen #25
  • Monsters Unleashed #7

Marvel Lenticular Covers from 10/11...
  • All New Wolverine #25
  • Amazing Spider-Man #789
  • Defenders #6
  • Despicable Deadpool #287
  • Falcon #1
  • Gwenpool #21 Nakayama
  • Uncanny Avengers #28
  • X-Men Blue #13
Marvel Lenticular Covers from 10/04...
  • Spirits Of Vengeance #1
  • Iron Fist #73
  • Avengers #672
  • X-Men Gold #13
  • Royals #9
  • Venom #155
  • Jessica Jones #13
  • Iceman #6

"Read More" to see what #1's are coming out as well as everything else coming out this week.

Batman: The Merciless #1 - As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

Batman: The Drowned #1 • Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1 • Batman: Murder Machine #1 - 2nd Printings! In case you missed the original versions of these books, now is your chance to get the full story! As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

Black Crown Quarterly #1 - Everything you always wanted once a season is packed within these 48 pages including a two-sided pullout poster and a wraparound cover! Delight in regular continuing features like legit publications with literary pedigrees! It all begins with the 10-page regular lead feature, Tales From the Black Crown Pub starring Stacey the barmaid by Award-winner Rob Davis (The Motherless Oven). Recurring short features include Canonball Comics: an exquisite corpse that will not stay dead kicked off by Jamie Coe (Artschooled) and Swell Maps by respectably divine music journalist/novelist Cathi Unsworth. Plus: Space CUDets rejoice: Live from a posh retirement village for wannabee 4-hit wonders we have co-writers/bandmates Will Potter and Carl Puttnam and occasional artist Philip Bond. Plus Plus: Special previews, creator interviews and behind the panel border secrets from Kid Lobotomy, Assassinistas, Punks Not Dead and much, much more!

DC House of Horror #1 - An all-new, all-creepy one-shot set in the DC Universe-just in time for Halloween! Martha Kent fights for her life against a creature from a spacecraft that lands in front of her farmhouse. A young woman is possessed by the spirit of a murderous Amazon warrior. The last surviving member of the Justice League faces down a horror beyond imagining. All these and more are what happens when the most exciting new voices in contemporary horror fiction are paired with the talents of some of the greatest artists in the DC firmament! And if that isn't enough to scare you, there's Keith Giffen, too.

Eternity #1 - A VISIONARY NEW SERIES! From the minds of New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR, Mind MGMT) and blockbuster artist Trevor Hairsine (DIVINITY, X-Men: Deadly Genesis) comes an expedition into the Unknown. Beyond time... Beyond space... Beyond reality itself... ETERNITY awaits! This October, Valiant unveils a new plane of existence beyond our own and unleashes a universe of new worlds, new beings, and new myths...

Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #1 - "What Dreams May Come, Part 1!" On a routine house call to dispose of a simple Class III spook, Abby, Patty, Erin, and Holtzmann encounter a truly terrifying Class VII that appears to be feeding on fear. Able to create illusions that prey on their greatest fears, and with designs on turning the world into its own nightmare dimension ('natch!) our ladies may have finally met their match!

Goosebumps: Monsters at Midnight #1 - When Mia and Ginny go to stay at their Grandma's mothball-filled house for the summer, boredom forces them to venture out into her tiny town. What they find in a dusty used bookstore launches them into an upside-down world of terror!

Hack/Slash: Resurrection #1 - The fan-favorite title returns with hot new writer, TINI HOWARD!
Cassie Hack has been living off the grid, but when a new monstrous threat arises to torment promiscuous teens, it's time for Cassie to pick up the baseball bat once again! Gory, sexy, twisted, and funny...HACK IS BACK!

John Carpenter's Tales of Science Fiction: Vortex #1 - With all communication lost from a mining asteroid, space station Benson dispatches a rescue ship to investigate. What the team discovers threatens not only to overwhelm and destroy them, but could ultimately threaten all life on Earth. Vortex is the second story of John Carpenter's monthly anthology series Tales of Science Fiction.

Jughead: The Hunger #1 - Jughead Jones is a werewolf, and Reggie Mantle has fallen victim to Jughead's monstrous ways. Now Betty Cooper: Werewolf Hunter along with Archie Andrews are hot on the trail of Jughead.

Now #1 - Fantagraphics is proud to launch a new, ongoing comics anthology of short stories by a mix of established and up-and-coming talent. This three times per year series features all-new, done-in-one stories for comics fans of all stripes. The first issue includes new work from acclaimed authors such as Eleanor Davis, Noah Van Sciver, Gabrielle Bell, Dash Shaw, Sammy Harkham, and Malachi Ward, as well as international authors such as J.C. Menu, Conxita Herrerro, Tommi Parrish, Tobias Schalken, and Antoine Cossé. Plus other surprises, and a gorgeous painted cover by Chicago artist Rebecca Morgan.

Ruff & Reddy #1 - In the Golden Age of television, Ruff and Reddy were on top of the entertainment world...until the world turned, and they were forgotten. Now, Ruff is a washed-up television actor. Reddy is a clerk in an upscale grocery store. Can a hungry young agent convince the two one-time partners to make a comeback-and convince the world that it wants to see the famously infamous dog-and-cat comedy team back in the spotlight? Don't miss it if you can!

Strange Cerebus #1 (OF 1)- First (and last?) appearances of Varkternity (Vark-Finite?) and Galactamungus (who mentions Platinum Surfer-Boy); the CIH? house drummer; reprints online strips from July-August 2016: Super-Cerebus Revenge Squad; The Whore of Babylon gets a tattoo; MILESTONE! the first time Dante suspected Cerebus and Super-Cerebus were one and the same! LeonTrotzky; Plato vs. Aristotle; Obama voters; MILESTONE! Super-Suberec, the Anti-Super-Cerebus and Cerebus go to Starbucks; hardcore Madonna fans; Wildcat: Total Golden-Age Dick the memoir; Francis' Sacred Church of NFL Football; West Side Story, and more!

Thor: Where Walk the Frost Giants #1 - When tragedy strikes the kingdom of Asgard, THE MIGHTY THOR soars into action! Wielding the thundering hammer Mjolnir, Thor sets off for the land where the Frost Giants dwell-frozen Nifleheim-in a matter of life and death for Asgard. But if YMIR has his way, the only thing awaiting Thor will be a frozen grave! Don't miss this ALL-NEW tale featuring the original God of Thunder! Also featuring a special presentation of the historic battle between Thor and the Incredible HULK from Journey Into Mystery #112!

X-Files: JFK Disclosure #1 - When he learns the real reason behind President Kennedy's assassination, Mulder also discovers his father was involved in the conspiracy. This revelation forces him to decide between the two things he holds most sacred: his family and the truth. It's bombshell after bombshell in The X-Files: JFK Disclosure!

New Releases - Wednesday, March 19, 2025


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