Tuesday, October 17, 2017

New Arrivals for October 18, 2017 at Dr. No's!

Featured Titles This Week

Batman: The Drowned #1

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

3rd Week of Marvel Legacy Lenticular Covers
The biggest stories and most epic team-ups come to MARVEL LEGACY this fall, and now you can hold the past and the future in your hands! All of the Marvel Legacy homage variants will be available as lenticular covers – a true celebration of Marvel’s history and expansive universe! The first wave are here now! Enhance your collection with all of Marvel Legacy’s lenticular covers, available at Dr. No's. As these will have limited quantities available, be sure to come in soon to secure your copy!

Special Prize Drawing!

Week 2 Winner Is...

Brad Ward

Brad gets the Uncut Proof Sheet for
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider...

  • Weekly Drawing...
    • Buy all of the weeks Marvel Lenticular Covers from Dr. No's and be entered into a drawing for an Uncut Lenticular Cover Proof Sheet! (Purchases must be made by End of Day on Sunday for Tuesdays Drawing)
    • Winners will be announced in this space on Tuesday Evening!
  • October Drawing
    • Buy all of the Marvel Lenticular Covers for October from Dr. No's and be entered into a drawing for the Marvel Legacy #1 Quesada Black and White Variant, which was limited to 1 in 500 copies of the book.
Marvel Lenticular Covers from 10/18...
  • Invincible Iron Man #593
  • Incredible Hulk #709
  • Luke Cage #166
  • Cable #150
  • Champions #13
  • Mighty Thor #700
  • Spider-Gwen #25
  • Monsters Unleashed #7
Marvel Lenticular Covers from 10/11...
  • All New Wolverine #25
  • Amazing Spider-Man #789
  • Defenders #6
  • Despicable Deadpool #287
  • Falcon #1
  • Gwenpool #21 Nakayama
  • Uncanny Avengers #28
  • X-Men Blue #13
Marvel Lenticular Covers from 10/04...
  • Spirits Of Vengeance #1
  • Iron Fist #73
  • Avengers #672
  • X-Men Gold #13
  • Royals #9
  • Venom #155
  • Jessica Jones #13
  • Iceman #6

"Read More" to see what #1's are coming out as well as everything else coming out this week.

Animosity Evolution #1 - NEW SERIES! A new, additional ongoing ANIMOSITY series! One day, the animals woke up. They started thinking. They started talking. They started taking revenge. Now, they've started building. In a city by the sea, a new power is on the rise...and they're making an animal kingdom all their own. 

Batman: The Drowned #1 - As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

Batman: Red Death #1 2nd Printing - In case you missed it, We have received the 2nd printing of this hot selling book! As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

Black Panther: Prelude #1 - Wakanda. The most technologically advanced nation in the world - and protected by the mighty BLACK PANTHER! Learn how T'CHALLA became the legendary hero of Wakanda in this ALL-NEW, NEVER-BEFORE-TOLD tale set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! See how the mantle was passed to the future king, in a time when super heroes were just emerging in the larger world, before this winter's BLACK PANTHER film hits theaters!

DC Batman Universe Collector Bust Magazine #1 Batman - Brand New from Eaglemoss! A high-quality collection of busts from over 75 years of Batman Comics, TV shows, movies and video games. Each bust is approximately 5 inch tall, and will be accompanied by a 16-page magazine packed with information about your bust, the character it represents, and over 75 years of DC comic book, TV, Video game, and Movie History.

Deadpool Vs Old Man Logan #1 - What do you get when you cross a regenerative, cranky, old X-Man with a regenerative, wacky Wade Wilson? DEADPOOL VS. OLD MAN LOGAN! James "Logan" Howlett is after a newly discovered Omega-Level mutant, and he just won't let Deadpool help. So, naturally, Deadpool vows to outmatch his newly marked enemy for the entirety of his mission!

Kid Lobotomy #1 - Kafka meets King Lear by way of Young Frankenstein in KID LOBOTOMY, a dark, demented, monthly satire that follows a dysfunctional family of hoteliers. Will sibling rivalry, seduction, and shapeshifting eventually lead to sanity or salvation?  Big Daddy is a rich hotelier who, in a cracked echo of King Lear, appoints his youngest descendant to manage The Suites, a peculiar hotel located behind the Black Crown Pub. Affectionately known as Kid, his good looks and swagger can't hide a rough childhood of strange therapies and brain operations that have awakened inner demons and psychodramas. This of course makes him eminently qualified to perform lobotomies. A failed rockstar/successful madman gets one last change to prove his worth-and regain his sanity-by turning the hotel that was once his childhood sanctuary into a lucrative business, despite a host of obstacles-including his own sister-who would love nothing more than to see him fail miserably.

Kong: Gods of Skull Island #1 - In this stand-alone Kong story, the year is 1912, and a wealthy humanitarian has travelled to Skull Island with the purpose of civilizing the native Tagatu living there. Although the Tagatu accept his gifts and allow his team to live among them, they're devoted to their god...and the team soon discovers that Kong is very, very real.

Maestros #1 - The Maestro and his entire royal family have been murdered. Now, his banished son from Earth will inherit the Wizard King's throne along with a spell that turns its user into GOD. With enemies everywhere, will this Orlando-born millennial be able to keep his new magic kingdom?

Optimus Prime: First Strike #1 - With Cybertron under siege by Baron Ironblood's forces, Optimus Prime and Arcee defend their homeland! Caught in the middle is the human/Transformer team known as the Revolutionaries-and one of them has a secret that puts everyone at risk!

Rom: First Strike #1- Rom's team-up with the Micronauts leads our heroes right to the Dire Wraiths... and their new microscopic threat!

Rugrats #1 - Hang on to your diapies, babies! We're teaming up with Nickelodeon for all-new Rugrats adventures with the most intrepid toddlers to ever bust out of a playpen! Tommy, Chucky, Phil and Lil have noticed something-they are being watched. Somehow their parents can see every little thing that they can do. They're going to have to find a way to have fun while avoiding the electronic eyes of the babycam!

Sherlock Frankenstein & the Legion of Evil #1 - Lucy Weber, daughter of the Black Hammer, grew up to become an investigative reporter for the Global Planet. Now she's on the hunt for the true story about what happened to Spiral City's superheroes after they defeated Anti-God and saved the world. All answers seem to lie with the dangerous super villain tenants of Spiral City's infamous asylum. As she gets closer to the truth she uncovers the dark origin stories of some of her father's greatest foes, and learns how they tie into the puzzle of what happened to Spiral City's greatest hero.

Torchwood: The Culling #1 - Written By Captain Jack Himself - John Barrowman - And Carole Barrowman, With Art By Neil Edwards (Doctor Who, Justice League)! Doctor Who Spin-Off Torchwood Is Back! The Official Continuation Of The Saga! When We Last Saw Captain Jack, Gwen, And The Rest Of The New Torchwood Team, They Had Just Defeated An Alien Invasion In The Arctic... But Missed A Mysterious Pod, Buried Under The Ice, That Held A Seemingly Familiar Face. Now Captain Jack Must Battle His Worst Nightmare... Or Greatest Daydream!

New Releases - Wednesday, March 19, 2025


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