The future of the Marvel Universe's cosmic continuity will be written this Wednesday in
The Infinity Gauntlet #1 by Gerry Duggan and Dustin Weaver. Anwen Bakian and her family only know life among an apocalyptic desert ravaged by giant insects. Missing from her family is her mom, who left and joined the Nova Corps never to be seen again. Life is hard to say the least, until she uncovers a mysterious stone. A stone of unbelievable cosmic power that will change everything. This is only one of the many
Secret Wars tie-ins this week.
Check out the rest of this week's highlights and a full list of releases after the break.

Brian Michael Bendis returns to one of his fan favorite characters this week in
Old Man Logan #1 with artist Andrea Sorrentino. The Wasteland is a terrible place populated by those who killed the heroes of the world. Now only one remains. A man by the name of Logan. In
Inhumans: Attilan Rising #1 by Charles Soule and John Timms, Battleworld faces a rebellion that threatens the entire planet. Medusa, ruler of Attilan, has been charged with discovering who's behind this rebellion. Of course, the situation becomes complicated when Medusa discovers Black Bolt is behind the uprising. Other
Secret Wars titles this week include
M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #1,
Where Monsters Dwell #1,
Secret Wars Journal #1, and
Secret Wars 2099 #1.

DC's two month long event comes to an end this week with the release of
Convergence #8 by Jeff King, Scott Lobdell, Carlo Pagulayan and Stephen Segovia. All the heroes of all the DC universes join together to fight one last battle, but when it's over, only one universe will remain...hopefully. Who will it be? Other
Convergence titles include:
Convergence Action Comics #2,
Convergence Blue Beetle #2,
Convergence Booster Gold #2,
Convergence Crime Syndicate #2,
Convergence Detective Comics #2,
Convergence Infinity #2,
Convergence Justice Society of America #2,
Convergence Plastic Man/Freedom Fighters #2,
Convergence Shazam #2, and
Convergence World's Finest Comics #2.
This week also marks the long awaited
Sandman: Overture #5 by Neil Gaiman and J.H. Williams. This is the penultimate issue to the series, and while it may have taken awhile for it to come out, the wait is sure to be worth it.

Speaking of awaited titles,
Fight Club 2 #1 by Chuck Palahniuk and Cameron Stewart hits shelves on Wednesday. It has been ten years since the events of the original
Fight Club. Project Mayhem is a distant memory for one man. The man who started it all. Now he lives in an ideal house, with a kid and a wife. His imaginary friend no longer present, until one day, it all comes back. Don't miss the next chapter of one of the biggest cultural phenomenons out there.
Here's a complete list of Wednesday, May 27's releases:
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