Sunday, February 01, 2015

Dr. No's Top 10 Collections and OGNs - January 2015

Welcome to Dr. No's Top 10 Collections and OGNs! At the beginning of every month, we'll take a look at the sales from the previous month to see what everyone was enjoying the most. So without further ado, here are the Top 10 Collections and OGNs for January 2015:

1. Wicked & Divine TP 01: The Faust Act
2. Saga TP Vol 04
3. Saga TP Vol 01
4. Ms. Marvel TP Vol 01: No Normal
5. Rat Queens TP Vol 01: Sass & Sorcery
6. Teen Titans Earth One HC Vol 1
7. Black Science TP Vol. 01 How to Fall Forever
8. Saga TP Vol. 03
9. Flash TP Vol 01: Move Forward
10. Batman TP Vol 01: The Court of Owls

If you'd like to know more about any of these titles, feel free to ask one of our helpful staff members. See you soon!

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