Friday, July 31, 2015
Dr. No's Top 10 Comics of Wednesday, July 29
Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore's Top 10 Selling New Comics for Wednesday, July 29:
1: Star Wars #7 (Marvel)
2: Thors #2 (Marvel)
3: Superman #42 (DC)
4: Sex Criminals #11 (Image)
5: Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #3 (Marvel)
6: Flash Annual #4 (DC)
7: Jem & the Holograms (IDW)
8: JLA: Gods and Monsters Superman (DC)
9: Batgirl Annual (DC)
10: 1602: Witch Hunter Angela #2 (DC)
Let us know if your favorite book made the list over at our Facebook page and Twitter.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Dr. No's Staff Picks - Wednesday, July 29
Cliff: Superman #42 (DC)
Buck: Thors #2 (Marvel)
Sage: The Shrinking Man #1 (IDW)
Tom: Sabrina #4 (Archie)
Jason: Lazarus #18 (Image)
Matt: Batgirl #42 (DC)
Julie: Copperhead #9 (Image)
Amber: Gotham by Midnight Annual #1 (DC)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
Monday, July 27, 2015
New Release Comics - Wednesday, July 29
Last week we were introduced to Kirk Langstrom's Batman and this week we are introduced to a darker Superman. In JLA Gods and Monsters Superman #1, "Truth, justice and the American way" has a very different meaning to a Superman raised by poor immigrant farmers. He's seen abuse and injustice his whole life - and now he's ready to let the world know what happens when a Man of Steel gets angry. Check out this prequel to the DC Universe movie Justice League: Gods and Monsters!
Congratulations to Isiah Smith!
Dr. No's congratulates the winner of Yu Gi Oh Game Day tournament! We would like to thank everyone who participated and are looking forward to seeing everyone next week for the sneak peek event for Clash of Rebellions on Aug 1st and 2nd!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Yu-Go-Oh! Clash of Rebellion Sneak Peeks on August 1 & 2
Get an early look at the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG's newest set, Clash of Rebellions, on Saturday, August 1 and Sunday, August 2 at 12:00 PM (noon). Participants will be among the first to see what the new set has to offer. Players will receive the exclusive promo Sky Dragoons of Draconia card for signing up, while supplies last. There will also be a chance to win an exclusive Clash of Rebellion mat! Guarantee your promo card and spot in the Sneak Peek now by signing up at the store. Tournament fee is $20 plus tax. We look forward to seeing you here on August 1 and 2! And don't forget to RSVP on the Facebook Event page!
Friday, July 24, 2015
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Dr. No's Top 10 Comics of Wednesday, July 22
Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore's Top 10 Selling New Comics for Wednesday, July 22:
1: Old Man Logan #3 (Secret Wars) (Marvel)
2: Cyborg #1 (DC)
3: We Are Robin #2 (DC)
4: Fight Club 2 #3 (Dark Horse)
5: Flash #42 (DC)
6: Star Wars: Kanan, The Last Padawan #4 (Marvel)
7: Uncanny X-Men #35 (Marvel)
8: Grayson #10 (DC)
9: Wonder Woman #42 (DC)
10: Aquaman #42 (DC)
Let us know if your favorite book made the list over at our Facebook page and Twitter.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Dr. No's Staff Picks - Wednesday, July 22
Cliff: We are Robin #2 (DC)
Buck: Fables #150 (Vertigo)
Sage: Wolf #1 (Image)
Tom: Archie vs Sharknado One-Shot (Archie)
Jason: Punisher #20 (Marvel)
Matt: Cyborg #1 (DC)
Julie: Wonder Woman #42 (DC)
Amber: Sons of the Devil #3 (Image)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
Buck: Fables #150 (Vertigo)
Sage: Wolf #1 (Image)
Tom: Archie vs Sharknado One-Shot (Archie)
Jason: Punisher #20 (Marvel)
Matt: Cyborg #1 (DC)
Julie: Wonder Woman #42 (DC)
Amber: Sons of the Devil #3 (Image)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
New Release Comics - Wednesday, July 22

Monday, July 20, 2015
Yu Gi Oh Game Day this Saturday at Dr. No's!
Join us this Saturday, July 25th, for the Yu Gi Oh! Day. Get a special token card and a chance to win an exclusive game mat only available on Yu Gi Oh! Day.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Magic: The Gathering Releases Friday July 17 and a release event Saturday at Dr. No's!
MtG:Origins also marks the final "core set" that will be released for the foreseeable future so be sure to get in and see what the fuss is about. Come in on Saturday, July 18, and take part in a sealed tournament that will get you a Mizzium Meddler promo that is only available on that day!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Dr. No's Top 10 Comics of Wednesday, July 15
Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore's Top 10 Selling New Comics for Wednesday, July 15:
1: Justice League #42 (DC)
2: Robin, Son of Batman #2 (DC)
3: Guardians of Knowhere #1 (Secret Wars) (Marvel)
4: Planet Hulk #3 (Secret Wars) (Marvel)
5: Years of Future Past #3 (Secret Wars) (Marvel)
6: Superman/Wonder Woman #19 (DC)
7: Black Canary #2 (DC)
8: Dr. Fate #2 (DC)
9: Hawkeye #22 (Marvel)
10: Secret Wars: Battleworld #3 (Marvel)
Let us know if your favorite book made the list over at our Facebook page and Twitter.
Dr. No's Staff Picks - Wednesday, July 15
Wednesday is here! A lot of new, exciting books came in this week, so swing by and check them out. Here are Dr. No's Staff Picks for Wednesday, July 15:
Cliff: Book of Death #1 (Valiant)
Buck: Justice League #42 (DC)
Jared: The Island #1 (Image)
Sage: Martian Manhunter #2 (DC)
Tom: Godzilla In Hell #1 (IDW)
Jason: Hawkeye #22 (Marvel)
Matt: Robin, Son of Batman #2 (DC)
Julie: Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1 (Marvel)
Amber: Death Head #1 (Dark Horse)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
Cliff: Book of Death #1 (Valiant)
Buck: Justice League #42 (DC)
Jared: The Island #1 (Image)
Sage: Martian Manhunter #2 (DC)
Tom: Godzilla In Hell #1 (IDW)
Jason: Hawkeye #22 (Marvel)
Matt: Robin, Son of Batman #2 (DC)
Julie: Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1 (Marvel)
Amber: Death Head #1 (Dark Horse)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
New Release Comics - Wednesday, July 15
Marvel is also still rocking the Secret Wars story, introducing a few new titles to readers this week. Meet the Guardians in Guardians of Knowhere #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato. Battleworld has one moon, but it isn't an ordinary moon. It is Knowhere, the head of a dead Celestial. It is there you'll find these Guardians. In Siege #1 by Kieron Gillen and Filipe Andrade, you'll be introduced to The Shield. This is the place Doom sends people that annoy him. It is run by Abigail Brand. Among the people there are Miss America, Lady Katherine, the Endless Summers Company and more. They'll all fight to keep Battleworld safe, but will they all make it? Other Secret Wars tie-ins include Hail Hydra #1, Inhuman: Attilan Rising #3, Korvac Saga #2, Planet Hulk #3, Years of Future Past #3, Armor Wars #3, Secret Wars; Battleworld #3, Captain Marvel and Carol Corps #2, and Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
One Last Magic: The Gathering Origins Prerelease Event Tomorrow!
Thank you to everyone who came by today for the Magic:The Gathering Origins Prerelease today. We hope you enjoyed the new set as much as we do. If you couldn't make it (or just want some more of the new cards), Dr. No's will be hosting another Prerelease Event tomorrow, Sunday, July 12 at 12:00 pm (noon).
Those who take part in this Sealed Tournament will receive booster packs of Origins before anyone else! With those packs, participants will build a a minimum 40 card deck to battle it out. Everyone who plays in the tournament will receive an exclusive Magic Origins card, and winners will walk away with even more Magic Origins booster packs!
And next month, we're hosting a Magic Origins Game Day Event on Saturday, August 8 at 12:00 pm (noon). Check out our Facebook for other gaming events!
Those who take part in this Sealed Tournament will receive booster packs of Origins before anyone else! With those packs, participants will build a a minimum 40 card deck to battle it out. Everyone who plays in the tournament will receive an exclusive Magic Origins card, and winners will walk away with even more Magic Origins booster packs!
And next month, we're hosting a Magic Origins Game Day Event on Saturday, August 8 at 12:00 pm (noon). Check out our Facebook for other gaming events!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Magic: The Gathering Origins Prerelease Tomorrow and Sunday!
Tomorrow (and Sunday) is the big day! Dr. No's is proud to host the Prerelease Event for Wizards of the Coast's upcoming Magic: The Gathering set: Origins. In the new set, the origins of five of the game's most significant characters - Gideon Jura, Jace Beleren, Liliana Vess, Chandra Nalaar, and Nissa Revane - have the spotlight put on them. The Prerelease Events are scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, July 11, and Sunday, July 12 at 12:00 pm (noon).
Those who take part in this Sealed Tournament will receive booster packs of Origins before anyone else! With those packs, participants will build a a minimum 40 card deck to battle it out. Everyone who plays in the tournament will receive an exclusive Magic Origins card, and winners will walk away with even more Magic Origins booster packs!
And next month, we're hosting a Magic Origins Game Day Event on Saturday, August 8 at 12:00 pm (noon). Check out our Facebook for other gaming events!
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Magic: The Gathering Origins Arrives Early This Weekend
This coming Saturday and Sunday (July 11 & 12), Dr. No's is proud to host two prerelease events for Wizards of the Coast's upcoming Magic: The Gathering set: Origins. In the new set, the origins of five of the game's most significant characters - Gideon Jura, Jace Beleren, Liliana Vess, Chandra Nalaar, and Nissa Revane - have the spotlight put on them. The prerelease events are scheduled for Saturday, July 11 and Sunday, July 12 at 12:00 pm (noon).
Those who take part in this Sealed Tournament will receive booster packs of Origins before anyone else! With those packs, participants will build a a minimum 40 card deck to battle it out. Everyone who plays in the tournament will receive an exclusive Magic Origins card, and winners will walk away with even more Magic Origins booster packs!
And next month, we're hosting a Magic Origins Game Day Event on Saturday, August 8 at 12:00 pm (noon). Check out our Facebook for other gaming events!
Dr. No's Staff Picks - Wednesday, July 8
Wednesday is here! A lot of new, exciting books came in this week, so swing by and check them out. Here are Dr. No's Staff Picks for Wednesday, July 8:
Cliff: Walking Dead #144 (Image)
Buck: Star Trek/Green Lantern #1 (IDW)
Jared: Strange Fruit #1 (BOOM!)
Sage: Harrow County #3 (Dark Horse)
Tom: Star Wars: Lando #1 (Marvel)
Jason: N/A
Matt: Starfire #2 (DC)
Julie: Descender #5 (Image)
Amber: Mad Max: Fury Road, Mad Max #1 (DC)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
Cliff: Walking Dead #144 (Image)
Buck: Star Trek/Green Lantern #1 (IDW)
Jared: Strange Fruit #1 (BOOM!)
Sage: Harrow County #3 (Dark Horse)
Tom: Star Wars: Lando #1 (Marvel)
Jason: N/A
Matt: Starfire #2 (DC)
Julie: Descender #5 (Image)
Amber: Mad Max: Fury Road, Mad Max #1 (DC)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
New Release Comics - Wednesday, July 8
(pssst. You'll never guess who gets rings!)
Mark Waid and Fiona Staples reimagine an icon! Familiar faces return in new and unexpected ways in the new Archie #1 issue! As the new school year approaches, you'd think Archie Andrews would be looking forward to classes and fun-but nothing is as it seems in the little town of Riverdale. But is this a one-off or a sign of bigger changes awaiting for America's favorite teens - and the entire town? Get in on the ground floor of a new era with this first issue!
Continue reading after the break and see a complete list of all the new books out this week.
Sunday, July 05, 2015
Next Weekend: Dr. No's Magic: The Gathering Origins Prerelease!
Next weekend, Dr. No's is proud to host two prerelease events for Wizards of the Coast's upcoming Magic: The Gathering set: Origins. In the new set, the origins of five of the game's most significant characters - Gideon Jura, Jace Beleren, Liliana Vess, Chandra Nalaar, and Nissa Revane - have the spotlight put on them. The prerelease events are scheduled for Saturday, July 11 and Sunday, July 12 at 12:00 pm (noon).
Those who take part in this Sealed Tournament will receive booster packs of Origins before anyone else! With those packs, participants will build a a minimum 40 card deck to battle it out. Everyone who plays in the tournament will receive an exclusive Magic Origins card, and winners will walk away with even more Magic Origins booster packs!
And next month, we're hosting a Magic Origins Game Day Event on Saturday, August 8 at 12:00 pm (noon).
Saturday, July 04, 2015
Happy 4th of July! Dr. No's Is Open!
Happy 4th of July to all of our customers. Dr. No's Comics and Games Superstore is open all day from 11am to 8pm, so if you are out celebrating, stop by and say hello.
You can also check out Dr. No's Variant Blowout Sale that's still going on today (Saturday, July 4) and tomorrow (Sunday, July 5). During the sale, Dr. No's has a wide selection of variants starting at $5.99 from Marvel, DC, Image, Vertigo, Dark Horse, and other companies.
We look forward to seeing you today, and don't miss your chance to snag a few variants at a great price during our sale.
You can also check out Dr. No's Variant Blowout Sale that's still going on today (Saturday, July 4) and tomorrow (Sunday, July 5). During the sale, Dr. No's has a wide selection of variants starting at $5.99 from Marvel, DC, Image, Vertigo, Dark Horse, and other companies.
We look forward to seeing you today, and don't miss your chance to snag a few variants at a great price during our sale.
Thursday, July 02, 2015
Dr. No's Top 10 Collections & OGNs - June 2015
Welcome to Dr. No's Top 10 Collections & OGNs! At the beginning of every month, we take a look at the sales from the previous month to see what comic collection and original graphic novels everyone was enjoying the most. So without further ado, here are the Top 10 Collections & OGNs for June 2015:
1. Batman Earth One HC Vol. 02
2. The Wicked & The Divine TP Vol. 01: The Faust Act
3. Rat Queens TP Vol. 02: Far Reaching Tentacles of N'rygoth
4. Saga TP Vol 04
5. Saga TP Vol 03
6. Saga TP Vol 01
7. Rat Queens TP Vol. 01: Sass & Sorcery
8. Civil War TP
9. Saga TP Vol. 02
10. Thanos Infinity Relativity OGN HC
If you'd like to know more about any of these titles, feel free to ask one of our helpful staff members. See you soon!
Dr. No's Top 10 Comics of Wednesday, July 1
Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore's Top 10 Selling New Comics for Wednesday, July 1:
1: Secret Wars #4 (Marvel)
2: Darth Vader #7 (Marvel)
3: We Stand on Guard #1 (Image)
4: A-Force #2 (Marvel)
5: Princess Leia #5 (Marvel)
6: Ultimate End #3 (Marvel)
7: Action Comics #42 (DC)
8: Years of Future Past #2 (Marvel)
9: Batman Beyond #2 (DC)
10: Green Lantern #42 (DC)
Let us know if your favorite book made the list over at our Facebook page and Twitter.
Wednesday, July 01, 2015
Dr. No's Staff Picks - Wednesday, July 1
Wednesday is here! A lot of new, exciting books came in this week, so swing by and check them out. Here are Dr. No's Staff Picks for Wednesday, July 1:
Cliff: We Stand Guard #1 (Image)
Buck: Future Imperfect #2 (Marvel)
Jared: Airboy #2 (Image)
Sage: The Spire #1 (BOOM!)
Tom: 8house #1 Arclight (Image)
Jason: Broken World #2 (BOOM!)
Matt: Secret Wars #4 (Marvel)
Julie: Groot #2 (Marvel)
Amber: Nailbiter #14 (Image)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
Cliff: We Stand Guard #1 (Image)
Buck: Future Imperfect #2 (Marvel)
Jared: Airboy #2 (Image)
Sage: The Spire #1 (BOOM!)
Tom: 8house #1 Arclight (Image)
Jason: Broken World #2 (BOOM!)
Matt: Secret Wars #4 (Marvel)
Julie: Groot #2 (Marvel)
Amber: Nailbiter #14 (Image)
Come in and check out our favorite books this week, and let us know what you're enjoying!
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