Monday, November 28, 2016

2 Days until Artist Lewis LaRosa signs copies of "Savage #1" on Wednesday, November 30th.

We are pleased to announce that artist Lewis LaRosa will be signing copies of the first issue of his new Valiant series Savage on Wednesday, November 30th, from 6pm to 7:30pm. This is without a doubt the finest work of Lewis's already-impressive artistic career. The series is a "Turok Meets Tarzan" tale of a family who are lost in a land that time forgot, where their son grows up in a world populated by dinosaurs.

Everyone who shows up on Wednesday for the signing will be entered into a drawing for the next issues of the Savage miniseries, all signed by Lewis. Lewis has also graciously offered to do some quick sketches at no charge for fans who drop by for the signing.

Please join us on November 30th and say hello to Lewis--and treat yourself to this year's most outstanding Valiant series!

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